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Friday, December 9, 2011

Drew Brees is no paid endorser! See why he chooses to use Advocare!


  1. Why does this state that Advocare does not endorse any atheletes, including Drew Brees? Why would Drew Brees even consume Advocare products, since he is gluten introlerant (which is in much of the products). And on Drew Brees' website, it is stated that Drew is a paid endorsement through Advocare?

  2. Leslie, this isn't true. His website says that he is a paid endorser...period. Then, it includes a list of products or companies that he endorses.

  3. His website does not specify that he is paid to endorse AdvoCare.

  4. Yes it does, check this out.

    1. Sounds like someone just dropped the mic. Rightfully so.
